We value our partners...
Our partnerships are personal and share common goals. They bring an array of mutual benefits, establish shared values and help BrightStart to accomplish activities that neither could do alone. Together we expend our energy in the service of others, which brings fulfillment to us as workers and benefit to the Cambodian people.
ACTS Ministries/Dr. Simon Stock
Dewey International Education & Training Ltd
Dewey International Schools
Encompass World Partners
Grace Antioch Church Battambang
Lighthouse Battambang
SALT Academy Cambodia
Sunbeam Kids International
Svay Sa Village School
Vision for Cambodia Church
World Team
Youth with a Mission - Battambang
Lukas Bernhardt (LightHouse Battambang) with Reaksmey Khem (Dewey International Schools)
Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our board members will get back to you.